Serving the children and families of Long Island since 1969...
In 1969, Judge Elizabeth Bass Golding of the Nassau County Family Court, founded Hope For Youth to create a group home program for adolescent boys. Judge Golding envisioned a community based alternative for emotionally disturbed Nassau County youth placed in residential treatment centers, but capable of living in the community with appropriate supports. Hope For Youth opened its first boys group home in Bellmore in 1970 and subsequently received local, state and national recognition for demonstrating the viability of the group home model for youth.
Non-profit Organizations, Social services, Social care, personal services, Education, Training & Organisations
HQ Location
201 Dixon Avenue
Amityville, NY 11701, US
Long Term Group HomeFamily Service CenterDiagnostic and Emergency Group HomeFamily Ties-Sibling Diagnostic and Emergency Group HomeNon-Secure DetentioTherapeutic Foster Care ProgramSuffolk Intensive Case Management Program