Community Alliance for the Homeless (CAFTH) is a private, non-profit entity that provides planning, technical assistance, and service coordination to public and private agencies who are working to end homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County. The organization was formed in February of 2010 as a result of a merger between Partners for the Homeless (also known as Partners) and the Greater Memphis Inter-Agency Coalition for the Homeless (GMICH). CAFTH receives financial support from the City of Memphis, Shelby County Government, and private foundations including the Assisi Foundation, and the Community Foundation for Greater Memphis.
Originally known as the Homeless Resource Coordinating Council, Partners was established in 1995 and assumed responsibility for preparation and submission of the local Continuum of Care application process in 1996. The Continuum of Care application is the mechanism required by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to secure funding for homeless services (with the exception of emergency shelter). The Greater Memphis Interagency Coalition for the Homeless was founded in 1988 as a community-wide collaborative comprised of over 150 participants, including homeless service providers, public and private donors, and community and faith-based organizations.
CAFTH links planners, providers, data, and resources to develop an effective and outcomes-driven system for ending homelessness.