** PLEASE NOTE** Dunn Building Co does not work outside the United States. Someone is falsely using our name, logo and other information offering jobs in other countries. Please know that this is a scam. We are working to stop this. THANK YOU
Dunn Building Company is an industrial and commercial building contractor that provides design-build and general contracting services across Alabama and the Southeast. Dunn has offices in Birmingham, Athens, and Mobile, Alabama and is part of one of the oldest contracting businesses in America.
Dunn’s design-build capabilities give owners seamless facility procurement for design, engineering and construction. Dunn has the ability to self-perform key aspects of our projects including concrete work, steel erection, siding and roofing. Dunn performs projects of all sizes, and through its Industrial Services & Roofing Divisions, provides continuous maintenance for industrial facilities.
Dunn Building Company has earned its great reputation in the industry for providing safe, quality service in a cost competitive and timely manner.
Please visit our website for a complete view of our company.