HTCycle is the first of its kind waste management solution that transforms agricultural waste (biomass) and sewage sludge (mixed waste) into a profitable, environmentally safe process. The comprehensive holistic solution targets two key environmental issues: it addresses the growing problem of waste disposal while generating valuable, limited resources such as phosphorus and carbon through the process of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC).
HTCycle’s vision is a clean-running world through innovation. We bring talented researchers, forward-thinking energy, management, technology experts and engineers to develop waste management solutions that are safe for the environment, cost-effective and profitable, resulting in end products with a high economic value.
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, Waste Management, Disposal, Environmental Technology
HQ Location
Libowner Landstrasse 1
Murchin-Relzow, Mecklenburg Vorpommern 17390, DE
Hydrothermale KarbonisierungKlärschlammverwertungUmweltschutzAktivkohleBiokohleBiomassePhosphorrückgewinnungErneuerbare EnergieEnergiegewinnungEnergiewende