MEDarchiver is a leading company in the Hospital Information and Communication Systems (HICT) market in Italy, with unique skills in the fields of biomedical engineering and health informatics.
Its mission is to reduce clinical errors and improve hospital processes through the design and implementation of robust, complex, consistent and integrated information systems for healthcare facilities.
Offering unparalleled expertise in medical device integration and advanced clinical systems development, and implementing all-digital solutions through its unique proprietary software platform, MEDarchiver covers all hospital areas including administration and billing, clinical care, surgery and nursing.
MEDarchiver installed base exceedes 17.000 users, daily involved in the management of over 27 millions patients and more than 50 millions clinical events. The unique interoperability offered by MEDarchiver solutions includes interfaces to more than 100 medical devices.
MEDarchiver provides customers with skilled professional resources (biomedical, clinical, software and electronic engineers), making sure the path to the end of each and every project is smooth and trouble-free.
Leading Packages for Cardiology, Oncology and Operating Room are the state-of-the-art in the specialty information systems, while MEDarchiver's PHC - Private Hospital & Clinic solution is the ultimate and most complete, all-inclusive platform in the market.
Visit MEDarchiver's corporate website at
Also visit the Leading Packages dedicated websites:
(Oncology Medication Management system)
(CVIS - Cardiovascular Information System)
(Operating Room management system)