J+D Forecasting is proud to specialise purely in pharmaceutical forecasting.
We deliver consultancy services to help clients solve their global and local forecasting challenges. We incorporate our knowledge and decades of experience with existing and new technology to make the forecasting process more accurate, transparent, and efficient.
In addition to J+D's consultancy services, we provide user-friendly forecasting software to help solve complex challenges. We have a suite of Excel add-ins called FC+. Each of the FC+ products have been created with the end users pain points in mind. For example, Onco+ is the only Oncology forecasting software of its kind. You can have complete confidence in sizing the potential of any Oncology product as all the variables are built-in. We also have Flow+ specifically created for rare and progressive diseases. Sales+ which links strategic and operational forecasts to actual demand and Epi+ a modular epidemiological forecasting software. With the incorporation of Power BI into the FC+ suite, decisions can be made more quickly and confidently whilst captivating audiences like never before.
EpiCube provides Epidemiological data for over 9,500 diseases and helps you build your data set how you choose.
The latest addition to the J+D product portfolio is our FC365 Forecasting Platform. A SaaS offering, utilizing Microsoft Teams, where all of your models and forecasting processes sit for local and global collaboration to streamline your working day.
All our products and services solve different forecasting challenges for Global Analytical, Commercial and Marketing Teams in Pharmaceutical and Bio Tech Companies.
We also provide bespoke pharmaceutical forecasting training solutions at client request and have online pharmaceutical forecasting courses accessible within the J+D Training Library in theHub.
Our clients value our knowledge, the expertise of our senior-led team and the end-to-end support we provide 24/7.