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About Stefanie Afonso
Stefanie Afonso is Attachée De Légation at Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade in 9, rue du Palais de Justice
Luxembourg, 1841, LU. Previously worked at Mission Permanente du Luxembourg auprès des Nations-Unies as Attache. Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade is a Government Administration company in 9, rue du Palais de Justice
Luxembourg, 1841, LU with 108 employees
The ministry defines and implements Luxembourg's foreign and European policy. It coordinates the Luxembourg government's external action. The ministry acts in the best interest of Luxembourg and its citizens. It endeavours to promote a coherent approach towards diplomacy, defence and development.
A founding member of most of the major international institutions, including the European Union and the United Nations, Luxembourg is a fervent advocate of European integration and multilateralism. Luxembourg's diplomacy defends the values of liberty, peace and security. It is committed to democracy, human rights, good governance and the rule of law, solidarity and sustainable development, motivated by a constant concern to preserve and strengthen the framework of international law.
Luxembourg's diplomacy serves the people of Luxembourg, state institutions the private sector and civil society to promote and defend the full range of Luxembourg’s interests abroad in the political, economic and commercial, cultural and consular arenas while promoting the country's brand image.