neaspec designs, manufactures and distributes advanced nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy microscopes.
The company was founded to revolutionize nanoscale analytics, with the ultimate goal to enable technological & scientific progress in every lab around the world.
neaspec has gained worldwide attention in the scientific community for inventing a series of breakthrough technologies in nanoscale analytics. Founded in 2007 by the world’s leading experts of near-field microscopy as a spin-off from the the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, neaspec’s engineers have developed the neaSNOM microscope, an easy-to-use optical near-field microscope platform using ground-breaking and patented optical background-filtering techniques.
neaSNOM closes a nanoanalytical gap by combining the best of two worlds – the nanoscale resolution of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with the analytical power of visible, infrared and even THz imaging & spectroscopy. At a spatial resolution of only 10nm, the method only requires standard AFM sample preparation and is non-destructive. This opens a new era for modern nano-analytical applications such as chemical nano-identification (IR), nano-plasmonic field mapping (VIS & IR) or free charge carrier nano-mapping (THz).