Sr Udo Reelitz
Ceo - Chief Executive Officer at Merck Taiwan
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Ceo - Chief Executive Officer
Company Details
10000+ Employees
默克是一個橫跨醫藥健康、生命科學、與電子科技三大領域的頂尖企業,憑藉在66個國家的58,000名員工對科學與科技的熱情,致力為現今最嚴峻的挑戰做出改善,並創造更永續的生活方式。 Merck is a vibrant team of specialists in Healthcare, Life Science and Electronics. Our passion for science and technology is what drives our 58,000 employees in 66 countries to find solutions to some of today’s toughest challenges and create more sustainable ways to live. 台灣默克是Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany的關係企業。此頁面內容並非適用於位在美國及加拿大的使用者。默克(Merck)在美國和加拿大以EMD Serono、MilliporeSigma、及EMD Electronics為名營運。 Merck Taiwan is an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. This channel is not intended for US and Canadian visitors. Merck operates in the US and Canada as EMD Serono in Healthcare, MilliporeSigma in Life Science and EMD Electronics in Electronics.
Year Founded
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Preparados quimioterapéuticos, Salud, médica y farmacéutica, Industría química, farmacéutica y plásticos, Preparaciones farmacéuticas para dermatología, Preparaciones farmacéuticas para el metabolismo, nutrición, sistema digestivo, Antipiréticos, Productos parafarmacéuticos, Preparaciones farmacéuticas para oftalmología, Fluidos químicos, grasas, pastas y lubricantes, Productos químicos
HQ Location
內湖區堤頂大道二段89號6樓 TW,Taipei City
HealthcareElectronicsLife ScienceSemiconductorDisplayCosmeticsOncologyEndocrinologyFertility
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