Adkit is a Strategic Research & Information firm located in Tel Aviv.
Adkit provides companies with not only a specialized, passionate and experienced research team, but also a trusted partner.
By utilizing Adkit's skills in cross filed strategic research within, Retail and CPG, Banking, Insurance, Healthcare, Government, Defense & HLS, you as an executive are able to make better informed decisions and improve your chances of business success.
Adkit uses a sophisticated and proven inter-disciplinary methodology for the collection and analysis of information. Built upon database analysis and on Adkit’s unique ability to reach professionals from all industries in order to incorporate their unique knowledge and insight into Adkit’s research. Ensuring that their clients receive the most up-to-date, informative, and ready for action data available.
Working with leading companies from all around the globe gives Adkit the experience and knowledge to tailor their research efforts to fit any clients' needs. Making those crucial decisions during a business launch, product launch, or strategic business planning, based upon facts, rather than opinions.
When you work with Adkit, the research speaks for itself.