RADEI is a regional development agency founded in 2002 by City of Belgrade, supported by EU operational grant. RADEI is a key coordinator of the development of the Belgrade Region. Through development, implementation and monitoring of national programs, aiming to support balanced regional development, SMEs competitiveness and EU integration process, we have reached more than 30.000 clients, delivered over 12.000 consulting services, performed 1.246 trainings and 66 mentoring services. RADEI organized 11 fairs and 14 B2B events.
RADEI represents the key factor of development processes of Belgrade Region, with the role to serve as a neutral broker and networking meeting point for public, private and civil sector in the region. RADEI staff has an extensive experience in project management funded by EU, international and national donors. Our staff is experienced in the project management cycle as a whole, from preparation phase, through implementation, coordination and monitoring, as well as in reporting and dissemination of the results.
RADEI successfully prepared and implemented projects funded by EU, international and bilateral donors, as well as national funds in sectors of regional cooperation, socio-economic development, entrepreneurship, youth education, competitiveness and innovation.
We support City of Belgrade in project preparation and implementation. We have an active role in Serbia’s accession negotiations and national IPA programming. RADEI is raising awareness on EU integration process, available EU funds, educates on EU project preparation, and prepares stakeholders for IPARD funds.
RADEI is a focal point for:
• Strategic development of the City of Belgrade as a European region
• European integration process in the Belgrade region
• Coordination of funding sources and activities for the realization of projects
• Strong support to SME sector.