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About Sonia Oliveira
Sonia Oliveira is Inspection Technician at Olympus Medical Products Portugal in Rua Vasco Cunha n.º 24 iParque - Parque Industrial de Antanhol, União de Freguesias de Assafarge e Antanhol
Coimbra, Portugal 3040-540, PT. Previously worked at Laboratorio de imunologia e oncologia as Technical Research Assistant. Olympus Medical Products Portugal is a Medical Equipment Manufacturing company in Rua Vasco Cunha n.º 24 iParque - Parque Industrial de Antanhol, União de Freguesias de Assafarge e Antanhol
Coimbra, Portugal 3040-540, PT with 161 employees
Sonia Oliveira Social
Sonia Oliveira Work
Sonia Oliveira is the Inspection Technician @Olympus Medical Products Portugal, with experience in Technical Research Assistant @Laboratorio de imunologia e oncologia
Worldwide leader in optical and digital precision technology manufacturing, Olympus develops and trades innovative technologies in the field of medicine, digital cameras and solutions for science and industry, making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling.
In EMEA region, Olympus has over than 6750 employees, spreaded through its 31 subsidiaries.
Located in Coimbra, Olympus Service Facility Portugal is an Olympus subsidiary. Its main activity is the repair of optical and digital equipment of the brand, offering to Olympus clients a set of services that meets its requirements regarding speed, proximity, confidence and consistency.