Founded in 1998, Women’s Campaign International (WCI) is a nonprofit organization that empowers women around the world to fill leadership roles in politics, the economy, civil society, and peace building. Specializing in transitional states and post-conflict regions, WCI equips women, men and youth leaders with the skills, knowledge and support necessary to transform their lives and their communities. Since its inception, WCI’s programs have directly impacted the lives of more than 500,000 individuals in more than 45 countries with strategies that address local needs and produce sustainable results.
3701 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104, US
Gender DevelopmentCivic EducatioAdvocacy and Grassroots OrganizingPolitical ParticipatioCampaigns and LeadershipPeace Building and Conflict MitigatioEntrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihoods