Anow takes your real estate appraisal firm to the cloud.
Stop wasting time tracking appraisals, running after appraisers, and managing multiple databases. With multiple order sources and especially multiple AMCs, giving great service and keeping clients updated has never been more important. Anow keeps everything organized in one place… your appraisals, appraiser’s schedules, client details, and more. Remember the last time a client asked for some consulting but you didn’t know how to track your time? No problem, we have that covered too.
Business owners, administrators, appraisers, and property valuers around the world are all benefiting from our great features that were built by the very people who use them. We’re saving everyone time and boosting profits – a lot of it. Plus, you can still use your favorite appraisal software to complete your reports.
We have the tools to help you give amazing service to all of your clients, by actually doing less work. That’s the key. Everyone will have even more time to drive revenue, do more appraisals, or just head off to the golf course. It’s not just smarter - it’s easier.