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About Skye Kottachchi
Skye Kottachchi is Marketing Communication & Design Coordinator at Don Kyatt Group of Companies in 249/263 Sunshine Rd
Tottenham, Victoria, AU. Previously worked at Don Kyatt Group of Companies as Marketing Coordinator. Don Kyatt Group of Companies is a Motor Vehicle Manufacturing company in 249/263 Sunshine Rd
Tottenham, Victoria, AU with 37 employees
Established in Moorabbin, in Melbourne’s South East in 1969, the Don Kyatt Group has grown to be Australia’s largest supplier of 4WD Aftermarket Parts.
Marketed under the ‘Terrain Tamer’ brand, the company has been developing, manufacturing and distributing a vast range of 4WD parts throughout 10 branches in Australia, 8 international warehouses and numerous Dedicated Stockists worldwide for over 50 years.
With a range of over 60 000 different parts, the Terrain Tamer brand is sold into over 80 countries and supplies and markets its range with distributors throughout the strongest 4WD regions of the world.
Equivalent to, and often improving on their Original Equipment counterpart, Terrain Tamer parts are used for a variety of applications, including mining, agriculture, emergency services and armoured vehicles, as well as by recreational users.
The Don Kyatt Group also manufactures the range of Flashlube fuel additives and won the Gold Award for Excellence in Export at the 2009 AAAA show.
Developed by CSIRO Scientist, Wolfgang Kluenner in 1979, the Flashlube Valve Saver Fluid and Valve Saver addressed the problem of Valve Seat Recession in gas converted vehicles. Flashlube Pty limited was formed in 1995 to take Wolfgang's technology to the world and has since grown to include a range of lubricants and additives, as well as diesel solutions such as Catch Can’s and Pre-Filters.