GWWC is a community of effective givers. We’re on a mission to make giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm. Home of the 🔸10% Pledge.
We help donors to find the world’s most pressing problems and identify the best charities working to solve them.
We’re best known for the 10% Pledge. Over 8,000 people people have pledged to give 10% of their lifetime income to the most effective charities. Together we’ve already given over 250 million dollars and pledged over 3 billion.
We all have incredible opportunity to improve the world through charitable giving. Together, we can make the world much better for all its inhabitants, and for the generations to come.
Giving What We Can is an Effective Ventures project. Effective Ventures Foundation (UK) (EV UK) is a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity number 1149828, registered company number 07962181, and is also a Netherlands registered tax-deductible entity ANBI 825776867). Effective Ventures Foundation USA Inc. (EV US) is a section 501(c)(3) organization in the USA (EIN 47-1988398). EV UK and EV US are separate charities that collaborate closely under the “Effective Ventures” name.