The research and control of very small or very thin structures in the nano- and micrometer regime is our goal. These tiny structures determine the properties of materials and bio-systems.
A deeper understanding is the key to many innovations, such as "intelligent" biomaterials. Also on the energy production of the future, the avoidance of CO2 emissions and the development of vaccines is being researched here. Current research topics are polymeric films, membranes, microcapsules, organic and inorganic nano- structures, biomineralization as well as chemistry and biology of carbohydrates. Biomimetic research is at the core of the Institute’s activity. Common goal is to learn from nature how to build hierarchical materials or active systems with new functionalities, with adaptive, self-healing or self-assembling properties.
The institute consists of four research departments, each with a director:
Biomaterials (Professor Peter Fratzl)
Biomolecular Systems (Professor Peter Seeberger)
Colloid Chemistry (Professor Markus Antonietti)
Sustainable and Bio-inspired Materials (Professor Silvia Vignolini)