Founded in 2022 by renowned musician Orlando Jopling, Wild Arts delivers world-class musical performances that are not only breath-taking, but also sustainable for the planet. Our commitment to making opera fresh and enjoyable is demonstrated through our annual Essex Summer Opera Festival, Roman River Festival, and concerts by the Wild Arts Ensemble.
Wild Arts is leading the way in the performing arts industry, demonstrating that we can produce incredible performances while also supporting the planet's ability to regenerate. We use the power of storytelling to ignite positive change and make a difference in the world.
Wild Arts' long-term goal is to create a sustainably-built performance space and music education centre set in a biodiverse re-wilded environment that includes people from all walks of life. We are proud to have some exceptional patrons, including Donald Macleod, Jeremy Sams, and Roderick Williams OBE, who reflect our world-class standards.