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About Silvia Lange
Silvia Lange has 3 current jobs including Founder/Ceo at Medialabel in Hausvogteiplatz 2
Berlin, 10117, DE, Founder/Ceo at medialabel, Executive Consultant at Ilion Holding. Medialabel is a Advertising Services company in Hausvogteiplatz 2
Berlin, 10117, DE with 4 employees
Silvia Lange Social
Silvia Lange Work
Silvia Lange is the Founder/Ceo @Medialabel, with experience in Founder/Ceo @medialabel
Medialabel ist eine digitale Marketing Agentur mit Fokus auf Mobile Marketing und Influencer Marketing auf Performance-Basis.
Mit unseren Hauptbüros in Berlin und Seoul arbeiten wir weltweit mit renommierten Partnern zusammen, um internationale Kunden optimal bedienen zu können.
Unser Team besteht ausschließlich aus Experten mit nachweisbaren Erfolgen auf Konzern- und Agenturseite.
Unsere Kunden profitieren von unserer strategischen als auch operativen Kompetenz. Das richtige Setup für Kampagnen als Basis für eine zeitsparende und erfolgreiche Umsetzung.
Medialabel is a digital marketing agency with a focus on Mobile Marketing, Influencer Marketing and Brand Strategies.
Our team consists only of key professionals, who have a proven track record & international background in Retail & Telecommunication Business, Mobile Marketing & M-Commerce. From Fashion Brands through Culinary Gastronomy, we cover all relevant segments of products.
We offer our clients a wide range of services in all areas including digital marketing, mobile strategy, mobile planning and buying, tracking & analyzing. Medialabel gives you also access to our worldwide network of Influencers. Whether Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or Snapchat, influencers are important multipliers for your brand within all social media channels.
Our offices are located in Berlin & Seoul. In Europe, Berlin is considered as the tech capital and the city at the forefront of mobile technology developments. South Korea is the „Heart & Seoul“ of Mobile Marketing and therefore a very important base for new developments in the scene. Seoul is literally light years ahead and a global leader in Mobile technologies.
Mobile MarketingM-CommerceInfluencer MarketingMedia BuyingMobile User AcquisitionRetargetingReengagementPerformance App MarketingMobile AdvertisingBoost Campaigns