Founded in 2018 by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging, Red42 is an innovation-centric power house on the edge of organizational development with Learning and Development. We focus on decentralization and democratization of companies. Our work is aligned with consistent, disciplined self-organization, and the principles of the BETACODEX. We are dedicated to research, development and commercialization of truly innovative social technologies. We do this In exchange with colleagues. With like-minded peers around the world, and within other existing networks.
Red42 offers a fresh take on development and learning – for organizations of all kinds! All our solutions are created for work in complexity. All are hero-free, guaranteed.
Check out our innovations from the last few years: OPENSPACE BETA, CELL STRUCTURE DESIGN and RELATIVE TARGETS, and our L&D sister company QOMENIUS. Do not miss visiting our shop, which features a lot of new publications & products!
Matthias-Claudius-Straße 16
Wiesbaden, Hessen 65185, DE
OpenSpace BetCell Structure DesigLearningCircles by Red42ecentralizatioBetaCodexself-organizatioBeyond BudgetingOrganizational developmentleadershipLearning & Development