Rauði krossinn á Íslandi var stofnaður 10. desember 1924. Félagið er eitt af 190 landsfélögum Rauða krossins og Rauða hálfmánans sem eru stærstu mannúðar- og hjálparsamtök heims. Allt okkar starf miðar að því að bregðast við og aðstoða þar sem neyðin er mest.
Á heimsvísu starfar Rauði krossinn og Rauði hálfmáninn eftir sjö grunngildum: Mannúð, óhlutdrægni, hlutleysi, sjálfstæði, sjálfboðin þjónusta, eining og alheimshreyfing.
The Icelandic Red Cross was founded on December 10th 1924. Throughout its history it has enjoyed tremendous public support and has played a pioneering role in many areas of health care, social work and education. The society has steadily grown stronger and is now the premier humanitarian agency in the country. The primary role of the Icelandic Red Cross is to respond to any type of emergency, whether of natural or man-made causes, and to protect and assist the most vulnerable in society.
The Icelandic Red Cross strives to introduce and promote knowledge of and respect for the Red Cross, humanitarian law and international conventions on the protection ofvictims of war.
The Icelandic Red Cross works in tandem with the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality.