Sigurjón Þráinsson
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OCTA ráðgjöf ehf
Senior Consultant, Partner
Head Of Information Technology
Company Details
Fjársýslan er þjónustu- og þekkingarstofnun á sviði opinberra fjármála. Stofnunin veitir ríkisaðilum fjölbreytta þjónustu og ráðgjöf á sviði fjármála og mannauðsmála. Fjársýslan leggur áherslu á að skapa virði fyrir viðskiptavini og greiða leið fyrir bætta þjónustu ríkisins. Fjársýslan er þjónustu- og þekkingarstofnun á sviði opinberra fjármála. Stofnunin veitir fjármálatengda þjónustu til ríkissjóðs og ríkisaðila og annast umsýslu fjármuna. Þá hefur hún yfirumsjón með bókhaldi og uppgjörum ríkissjóðs og tryggir tímanlegar og áreiðanlegar upplýsingar um fjármál ríkisins. --------------------------------------------------------------- The Financial Management Authority (FJS) is independent agency under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Overview of responsibility Service and development responsibility for the government financial-, account- and payroll systems (Oracle and other IT systems) which are centralized at FJS. There are around 215 government organizations in Iceland. All of the Ministries use the Oracle program as well as over 90% of other government organizations. Payroll responsibility and processing for all government organizations is performed by the Financial Management Authority payroll office. Around 200 organizations benefit from services provided by the Accounting unit. Additionally, the Financial Management Authority provides guidance to other government organizations, both in the field of accounting procedures and payroll functions. Further, training is provided to employees of the organizations served both in regards to regualtions, procedures and processes. Finally, the Financial Management Autority reconciles and performs year end closing for customers served.
Year Founded
Social Media
Government Administration
HQ Location
Vegmúli 3 Reykjavík, Capital Region 108, IS
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