The SAMCODES, the South African Mineral Reporting Codes, set out the minimum standards, recommendations, and guidelines for the Public Reporting of mineral related issues in South Africa. They currently comprise three Codes, two Guideline documents and various affiliated standards and Codes of Practice / Best Practice Guidelines:
SAMREC: The South African Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
SAMVAL: The South African Code for the Reporting of Mineral Asset Valuation
SAMOG: The South African Code for the Reporting of Oil and Gas Resources
Commodity, or subject, specific guidelines/standards:
SAMESG Guideline: The South African Guideline for the Reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance parameters within the mining and oil and gas industries
SAMREC Diamond Guidelines: SAMREC Guideline Document for the Reporting of Diamond Exploration Results, Diamond Resources and Diamond Reserves (and other Gemstones, where Relevant)
Affiliated Standards /Codes of Practice / Best Practice Guidelines
SANS 10320:2017: South African guide to the systematic evaluation of coal resources and coal reserves. This document is a South African National Standard, published by the South African Bureau of Standards.
Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management. This standard, supported by the ICMM is not a public reporting standard, but a voluntary framework for safe tailings facility management