IH Milan is an affiliate of the International House World Organisation - one of the largest language teaching and teacher training organisations in the world.
- We are officially recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR).
- Our company's quality policy envisages the adoption of SINCERT accredited Quality Management System, compliant with the provisions of Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
- We have obtained accreditation with the Lombardy Region
- IH Milan is a member of AISLi, Italian Association of Language Schools
- We are a fully recognised Platinum exam centre for the University of CambridgeESOL certificates
- IH Milan is accredited by CSN, the Swedish authority that manages student scholarships
- We are the first IDP IELTS authorized IELTS test centre in Italy.
corsi di inglese per aziendecorsi di inglese per adulticertificazioni di inglesetest IELTSesami Cambridge English Assessmentformazione insegnantiteacher trainingCELTAtraduzioniBusiness English