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About Sido Walstra
Sido Walstra has 2 current jobs including Hoofd Horeca at Rederij Doeksen B.V. in Oosterwolde, Friesland, Netherlands, Service Manager at Rederij Doeksen B.V.. Previously worked at Parkhotel Tjaarda as Operational Manager. Rederij Doeksen B.V. is a Maritime Transportation company in Willem Barentszkade 21
Terschelling West, Friesland 8881 BC, NL with 63 employees
Rederij Doeksen is a family business which has been in existence since 1908 and which is a part of the holding company Koninklijke Doeksen BV, whose head office is established in Rotterdam. Rederij Doeksen has approx. 145 employees (115 fte) and catering company TSM Horeca BV has 55 employees (42 fte), distributed over the locations Terschelling, Vlieland and Harlingen. We have been providing the ferry services between Harlingen, Terschelling and Vlieland since 1923. Annually we transport approx. 600,000 passengers across the Wadden Sea on our fleet of car ferries and fast catamarans. In addition to those, we also have a cargo ship, that transports cargo and stores to the islands.
We are encouraging sustainable partnerships with (islander) businessmen and we are proud of being the (main) sponsor of great events like Oerol, The Great Wide Open and the Berenloop (Bear’s Run). In addition we sponsor a variety of large and small islander initiatives, from music lessons for children to outings for the old people’s association.
We would like our passengers to feel welcome and comfortable and that’s why we provide safe ships with environmentally friendly applications. Hospitality, safety, continuity and innovation are very important to us. Rederij Doeksen satisfies the quality requirements of ISO-9001 and we have been certified according to the ISM-code (International Management Code for the Safe Operations of Ships and for Pollution Prevention).