n early 1970’s, a few scientists got together and started thinking that it was not enough to work sincerely sitting in a laboratory, doing experiments, publishing work and living in an ivory tower. There was a major need to take Science to Society using Science and Technology for the up liftment of the “not so privileged” class of society and for women. In 1972, twelve founder members representing a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines and associated with different scientific institutions came together and registered Indian Women Scientists’ Association (IWSA) on 13th June, 1973 under the Society Registration Act and the Public Trust Act on 19th July, 1973.
IWSA is an All India social welfare, voluntary, non-profit, secular, non-political charitable organization. It has eleven branches namely, Roorkee (1979), Hyderabad (1979), Pune (1980), Kolhapur (1982), Delhi (1987), Kalpakkam (1987), Vadodara (1988), Amravati (2010), Bengaluru (2018) and Nellore (2018). IWSA has about 2000 life members; its head quarters is located in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.