is India’s first Integrated, Intuitive and Actionable career planning platform for professionals. We are reimagining learning, assessments, jobs and upskilling ecosystems across key markets in the US, Canada, India and Southeast Asia.
Our vision is to help professionals make better career decisions and fulfill their potential with the right advice, data and insights to achieve their career goals and indeed be “everything that they want to be”. Our aim is to provide best learning options from top global institutes and upskilling platforms and assess skills and benchmark proficiency level.
Careervira-Learn, the first product launched on this platform, is a global learning marketplace that provides learners access to 5000+ courses from 75+ partners and global institutes. Professionals can search, compare, check rankings of top global courses and institutes effortlessly. We provide analytical and insightful reports for top courses and institute rankings to help learners make decisions efficiently.
Our upcoming products: Careervira - Skill, Jobs and Grow will also be result oriented. We help navigate career goals, get a promotion, change a role, get a salary hike, or start a new career altogether. Professionals can assess skills, benchmark proficiency levels and search jobs.
We are a team of X-google, bay area techies and believers who want to change the status quo in the EdTech + HrTech ecosystem. We are looking for change-makers who can work in a fast-paced environment, are self-driven and problem-solvers. Work with us, and together let us make effective career and learning decisions.