“Fancy-fix is a brand belonging to Fancy Zhejiang Innovative Materials Co., Ltd from China, which is aimed at providing DIY home decor covering materials like window film, wall stickers, self-adhesive decorative film, adhesive floor tiles.”
All the stories Go back to 1989 when the family-owned factory started the manufacture of self-adhesive film. Along with the development, and with a long-term vision in 2004, fancy-fix was established with the Aim to make something that will be “fancy” to “fix” when anyone has the need to make home and life better and began the expand the business in the global market. We are so glad that we helped many local brands to achieve success with our high-quality products in several countries, including France, Japan, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, and more. We are proud to see our products at some big improvement stores, supermarkets, or online stores.
southwest of the intersection of Loudong Street and Business Avenue South
Room 1909, Building A, Chuitai Square Business Center
Wenzhou, Zhejiang 305006, CN
Solution for window filmsManufacturing of self adhesive productsDesigning of wall stickersand R&D for self adhesive materials