The Department of Environment is a Government agency within the Ministry of Health and the Environment in the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.
The overall mission of the Department of Environment (DOE) is to provide technical advice on the environment and to design and implement projects on behalf of the Government and the people of Antigua and Barbuda. These interventions are designed to protect and enhance the country's environment, as well as seek common solutions to national, regional and global environmental challenges.
The Department of Environment accomplishes its mission inter alia through:
• An integrated environmental planning and management system established on the basis of public participation and interagency collaboration,
• Efficient implementation of appropriate programmes, projects and technical services,
• Providing accurate council on environmental management as well as effective and consistent enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, and
• Provide the public with easily accessible information and technical assistance on environmental issues.
In addition, the DOE has an active portfolio of over 15 projects, with project sizes ranging from US$50,000 to US$15 million, and additional projects under development. Partners of the DOE include UN Environment, UN Development Programme, IUCN, Caribbean Development Bank, Government of Italy, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, the Adaptation Fund, among others. The DOE was accredited as a direct access entity to the Adaptation Fund in 2015 and to the Green Climate Fund in 2017. The DOE is focused on designing high-impact, transformational interventions that maximize opportunties for the public, private and civil society sectors to meet an ambitious global and domestic environmental agenda.