In 2005 Hurricane Katrina was a wake-up call for many of us in the telecommunications industry because it alerted us to the fact that our customers always need to be able to communicate, even in the midst of one of the worst natural disasters in our Nation’s history. During and after such a catastrophic event telecommunications takes on more importance because in many situations the ability to communicate can be the difference between life and death for the disaster victims. It became painfully obvious that telecommunication providers needed to be able to provide emergency communications and power in the event that all normal local resources were lost: no power, no cellular, no local phone service, even no land mobile radio service.
Out of this disaster, the concept for Comprehensive Communication Services or CCS was born. Several of CCS’s key founders and current ownership made the decision at that time to develop a “comprehensive” package of communication and power equipment that could be quickly deployed anywhere in the world.
Our two primary product offerings are our line of Mobile Emergency Response Center (MERC) trailers and our Portable Emergency Response Centers (PERCs).
These solutions allow our customers to have a complete voice, data, and power network up and running within 15 minutes of deployment. They can both provide satellite network connectivity, cellular service, wireless LAN/WAN coverage, land mobile radio service, video surveillance and conferencing, and generator power. Both of these solutions can operate completely independent of any local resources which allow our customers to always be able to communicate.