2022年開始,我們是「美好金融 Good Finance」。
「以人出發,乘載理想,守護美好」在品牌 Logo 的設計上,賦予人的各種姿態想像,並囊括「美」的文字結構,由此帶出美好金融最根本且重視的價值——「人」。
2020 年,公司推出第一個自產、自製、自銷的財富管理產品,至今客戶託付管理的金額超過 30 億元;財富管理規模從 0 到 30 億元,只是一小步。鎖定目標「未來三年,將是百億元級別的財富管理規模。」
2021年公司正式更名為「美好證券股份有限公司」,英文名稱為「Good Finance Securities Co., Ltd.」
每個人的生命旅程中,對於未來都有不同的期待與需求,金融得以運用專業,看見人們的需求,陪伴每個人去追求他的美好的旅程,一如 Good Finance 之意:Good,不只是好,更是良善、是為客戶設想;Finance,則是透過金融配置有限資源,做最有效的運用,幫助社會創造更多價值。
Ta Ching Securities was founded in 1988 and became a listed company in 2003 with net assets of 4.6 billions, 350 strong staffers in 12 branches across Taiwan (8 in the northern region, 2 in the middle region and 2 in the southern region). Guided by the principles of Integrity, Reliability and Solidity, the firm serves our clients with a wide range of services — brokerage, investment advisory, underwriting, futures, credit trading and more.
Having merged with the AVCG, the firm consolidated its diverse financial servicing capabilities and will strengthen its professional services in asset management, products development and investment advisory in order to create more long lasting and comprehensive values for our clients and shareholders.