We are about 3 about things:
I. One Campaign. Through our flagship campaign, #iRoar4Her, we look to sound the horn and rally as many like-minded individuals to our cause.
II. One Community. In addition to being part of a worldwide community, you’ll get be part of a designated “home team”, which will provide an intimate setting for you to be seen, heard and known. Each “home team” will be assigned a mighty mission.
III. Worldwide Change. With each mission accomplished, we get to hear your song; join your race; reflect on your painting; read your story; follow your curriculum; outline a course for success; work together to bring changes in our legal framework; and share your mission & services with the world.
We are the Lion of Judah Movement.
We are musicians, athletes, artists, writers, teachers, parents, teenagers, fashion designers, poets, driving instructors, lawmakers, nonprofit organizations, etc.
We're calling everyone. Because everyone can impact change.
Be a light to the World!