About: NILP supports people with disabilities to live independently in the community. We are unique because our staff have disabilities & we provide services to people with disabilities.
Mission: The Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. is a consumer-controlled Independent Living Center providing advocacy and services to people with all disabilities who wish to live independently in the community.
Programs and Services: Our team are experts in their field and provide multiple services in a wide range of settings.
• Recovery Learning Community provides welcoming, safe, understanding, judgment-free spaces where individuals of diverse backgrounds can gather for healing and growth. For individuals recovering from mental health challenges, addiction and/ or traumatic life experiences.
• Youth Services develops students’ work readiness skills, self-advocacy skills, social and communication skills, and independent living skills. Benefits youth 14-22.
• Nursing Home Transition Services assists individuals in transitioning from nursing facilities into the community by providing necessary supports to live independently & avoid a nursing facility re-admission.
• Community Supports assist people in navigating the process of obtaining benefits (SSI, MassHealth, SNAP, Transportation etc.) and services on their path to living independently in the community.
• Personal Care Assistance Program keeps consumers living in their homes with personal care help as opposed to hospitals or nursing homes.
Individual and Family Services
HQ Location
20 Ballard Road
Lawrence, MA 01843, US
Youth Transition to Adulthood Services - Pre-Employment Readiness & InternshipsIndependent Living/Vocational Rehabilitation (IL/VR) ServicesThe Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC)Community Support Services (CS)Options Counseling (OC)Nursing Home Transition Services*The Training and Learning Collaborative (*fee for service)