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About Sheela Sooklall
Sheela Sooklall is Quality Assurance Specialist at Queens Centers for Progress in Brooklyn, New York, United States. Previously worked at Block Institute as Program Coordinator. Queens Centers for Progress is a Individual and Family Services company in 81-15 164th Street
Jamaica, NY 11432, US with 113 employees
Queens Centers for Progress is dedicated to the goal of providing children and adults with developmental disabilities the opportunities to make choices which will maximize their skill development, independence, and integration into community life. At the core of all the agency’s services is the deeply held belief in the development of the individual. QCP believes that all people can learn and that all people – in spite of any developmental disability – can make meaningful choices about their lives.
A developmental disability is defined as a physical or mental condition that develops before age 21, which is likely to continue throughout the individual’s life, and results in the impairment of one or more major areas of life functioning. Cerebral palsy is one type of developmental disability; others include autism, epilepsy, mental retardation, and other neurological impairments.
While developmental disabilities cannot be cured, QCP is committed to providing assistance and support to compensate for the limitations the condition imposes, and thereby allowing those affected to live the fullest lives possible.
More than 1500 people now receive ongoing services from QCP. We provide services for people of all ages, from toddlers to the elderly; and for all aspects of life, including providing a place to live and work, health care, hygiene and life skills training, education, therapy, vocational training and recreation.
Mission Statement:
Queens Centers for Progress is committed to providing person-centered services and supports to children and adults who have developmental disabilities. The goal of these services and supports is to promote independence, community involvement, and quality of life.
Developmental disability supportPerson-centered approachIndependent living strategiesCommunity integration techniquesHealth care managementHygiene and life skills trainingSpecialized educationTherapeutic interventionsVocational training programsRecreational therapy
Person-centered services and supportsIndependent livingCommunity involvement programsQuality of life initiativesHealth care servicesHygiene trainingLife skills trainingEducationTherapyVocational trainingRecreation activitiesHousing supportWorkplace integration programs
Services and supports for People with Developmental DisabilitiesServices and supports for children with developmental disbailitesServices and supports for seniors with developmental disabilities