Shashi Roopram
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Work Experience
Phd Researcher
Sep 2018 - Present · 6 years and 3 months
Chairman Of The Course Committee Entrepreneurship And Retail Management
Sep 2018 - Present · 6 years and 3 months
Sep 2017 - Present · 7 years and 3 months
Company Details
De Universiteit voor Humanistiek is een kleine, onafhankelijke universiteit in Utrecht. Wij laten ons in ons onderwijs en onderzoek inspireren door het humanisme en richten ons op eigentijdse vragen rondom zingeving, levensbeschouwing en de inrichting van een menswaardige samenleving. Onze wetenschappers gebruiken hierbij hun expertise uit de sociale wetenschappen en de geesteswetenschappen. #humanistiek #psychologie #sociologie #zorgethiek #burgerschap #filosofie #zingeving #rituelen EN: The University of Humanistic Studies (Universiteit voor Humanistiek) is a renowned academic centre of knowledge inspired by the humanist body of thought. This body of thought is part of a long-standing tradition and is – perhaps now more than ever – relevant and very much alive. The university explores contemporary issues dealing with (care) ethics, our worldview and the way we give meaning to life. The University of Humanistic Studies at Utrecht is the youngest university in The Netherlands. It is also the only university offering degree programmes in Humanistic Studies, Care Ethics and Citizenship, Professionalism and Civil Society. The university was founded in 1989 and has started to make its mark both in the academic world and beyond. Fully recognised and funded by the government of The Netherlands, the university distinguishes itself from other universities by the unique multi-disciplinary course that it offers, and by its size.
Year Founded
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Higher Education
HQ Location
Kromme Nieuwegracht 29 Postbus 797 Utrecht, Utrecht 3500 AT, NL
universityhumanismbachelormasterhumanistic studieshealth ethicsmeanings of lifephilosophysociologypsychology
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