We Listen. We Protect. We Care.
Global leading energy and environmental surface and subsurface monitoring company. We help our clients protect their assets, operations, and the environment, as the world transitions to reliable and secure sources of energy.
We began with a mission to bring passive seismic technology to the oil field. As our expertise has grown, so has the list of applications. We have successfully monitored the stability of wellbores in tectonically active areas, CO2 sequestration (CCUS), enhanced geothermal systems, reservoir stimulation, seismic hazards, pipelines, and environmentally sensitive areas (sinkholes). The shale boom of the mid-2000’s overwhelmed us with demand for hydraulic fracture monitoring.
Today, priorities have changed. While frac monitoring is still a business driver for us, new opportunities have expanded our original vision. Adaptable technology and almost 20 years of experience allow us to apply passive seismic techniques to a wide spectrum of problems relevant to the oil field and beyond.