Artists Studio Company (ASC) is a London based registered charity founded in 1995. Our core aims are to support artists and makers, promote the arts and educate the public in the arts.
In answer to our aims, ASC:
Develops and manages affordable workspaces for artists, makers and arts organisations.
Engages communities in outreach activities with educational programmes, working with schools, colleges and youth groups.
Hosts public art exhibitions and events.
Provides business support to our tenants through training, mentoring and grant funding.
We are the leading affordable workspace provider to artists and makers in London. We currently support over 800 practitioners and to date we have managed a total of 22 buildings.
We continue to play a major role supporting London’s creative talent, nurturing thousands of individuals and making a huge positive change to the capitals cultural landscape.
We are very proud that a great many of our tenants have gone on to become household names. However, we place greater value and believe deeply in fostering communities and in reaching out to people who might never have engaged in art.
We seek to support creative people of all practices and backgrounds. We strongly believe art can only be truly relevant when it is open to all.