Whole seller & Supplier of1.Writing paper2.Printing paper3.Packaging paper4.Tissue paperIf you want best quality paper please contact with us, we are able to supply as per your demands.Products...* A4 size paper(65 gsm, 70 gsm, 80 gsm,100 gsm)* Legal size paper(65 gsm, 70 gsm, 80 gsm,100 gsm)*Letter size paper*Ream khata( 42gsm, 47 gsm,50 gsm,55 gsm,61 gsm)* 23inc X 36inc*20inc X 30inc*23.5inc X 33inc
Printing & Packaging Paper, Paper, Printing & Packaging
HQ Location
House No: 160,ahammed nagar,Bamoil,Demra(word no-66 DSCC),Dhaka.