This board is a parastatal body set up through an Act of Parliament 2003, with Section 5 of the mandate to: Market the Botswana Tourist Product, Grade and Classify tourist accommodation facilities as well as to promote investment in the Tourism sector.
The Botswana Government’s decision to establish the Botswana Tourism Board as a separate institution was in recognition of the fact that functions such as marketing, whether be of a sector or industry are best done outside Government. This board takes over some of the activities that have traditionally been run by the Department of Tourism.
The Chief Executive Officer for the Botswana Tourism Board is Ms Myra Sekgororoane. The following are senior management team at the Botswana Tourism Board:
Mr Joe Motse - Marketing Manager
Ms Malebogo Morakaladi - Business Development Manager
Mr Stephen Ramalepa - Quality Assurance Manager
Mr Dickson Wiya - Finance Manager (Acting)
Mr Sean Anderson - Human Resources and Administration Manager
Mr Thabo B. Dithebe - Projects Administration Manager
Mr Zibanani Hubona - Corporate Legal Counsel
You may Contact us at:
Plot 50676
Fairgrounds Office Park
Block B, Ground Floor
Tel: 3913111, Fax: 3959220