SchemeServe is insurance software like no other.
Hosted in the cloud for MGAs, brokers and insurers, the SchemeServe platform boasts unique flexibility. Alongside game-changing features and unstoppable innovation, the software can be shaped to suit any need.
We have enabled insurance professionals to create, rate and underwrite scheme insurance for 21 years. Based in the UK, SchemeServe gives the leading edge in super-fast scheme deployment and has grown into the platform of choice for hundreds of insurance products worldwide.
SchemeServe is simple enough to build products yourself, or you can choose to have them built for you by the Obsessive Support™ team, a group of award-winning ex-underwriters moulded by us into tech gurus.
SchemeServe are a member of the BIBA Insurance Technology & Innovation Committee (ITIC) as well as a carbon negative company, with a commitment to strong ESG standards.
National Insurance Awards 'Insurtech Award-Platform' 2023.🏆
UK Broker Awards 'Broker Support Partner of the Year' 2022.🏆
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