EVstudio is the architecture, engineering and planning firm dedicated to giving you the high level of service you deserve for your project. We design commercial office, retail, multifamily, hospitality, healthcare, educational and residential projects across the US and Canada. Please contact us at 303.670.7242, 866.323.5882 (toll free) or design@evstudio.com and let us know how we can help. Even if your project is months or years out we're happy to answer your questions and put you on the right track.
We have multiple design studios in Colorado and Texas that provide full Architectural Design as well as Structural, MEP, and Civil Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture and Planning. We've designed projects in numerous locations can work with you in any location.
Our firm designs a large variety of project types with a staff of over 40 design professionals in studios that specialize in multifamily, commercial, educational, medical, retail, hospitality and performance spaces. We place great emphasis on working to understand each individual Clients' needs and thus our product is very client driven. In addition we spend a lot of effort on working on the accuracy and thoroughness of our documents. We have several team members who are LEED AP and we are interested in sustainable projects.
EVstudio is dedicated to not only creating great work but also to serving our Clients every need throughout the process.