One Small Planet provides real-time social media conversation monitoring, and real-time response across multiple platforms 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Real-time Internet conversations occur on many platforms from Twitter and Facebook to blogs and other social media platforms. And they are very mobile.
The One Small Planet team include marketing, legal, media and customer service professionals with many years combined experience of in our fields of expertise.
We bring all of these skills together to provide social media and online marketing services, strategy advice, management and social PR advice for business, government, not-for-profits, and high-profile individuals.
Our combined experience means we understand marketing, advertising, public relations and communications. This strong background gives us the ability to see how social media strategies can work in and around marketing plans.
Our team includes:
• Baby Boomer media and marketing professionals who lived through the tumultuous changes in media, marketing and telecommunications technology
• Gen-X customer service and management professionals who cut their teeth in the call-centre revolution
• Gen-Y writers, artists, account managers – all of whom have never known life without mobiles, text messaging, Skype, IM, and were the early adopters of social media like Facebook and LinkedIn
• In addition we have a team of teen and tween-age ‘millennials’ who truly are the i-Generation. This team, although young, have thousands of Twitter followers, Facebook friends, Tumblr and Instagram fans, each with YouTube channels, and they are constantly active on numerous social platforms (as well as going to school).
Our lead consultants can coordinate all of the One Small Planet services as well as integrating into your marketing, communications and/or management team. Our senior executive consultants also provide advice to Company and not-for-profit Boards of Directors.