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About Sean Del Ben
Sean Del Ben is Owner & Founder at Saltus Performance in 4180 West 4th Ave
Vancouver, BC v6r4p9, CA. Previously worked at SDB Strength & Conditioning as Owner. Saltus Performance is a Health, Wellness & Fitness company in 4180 West 4th Ave
Vancouver, BC v6r4p9, CA with 2 employees
Sean Del Ben Social
Sean Del Ben Work
Sean Del Ben is the Owner & Founder @Saltus Performance, with experience in Owner @SDB Strength & Conditioning
At Saltus Performance, we produce strong and durable athletes across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. We emphasize genuine, traditional training methods and value creating a strong culture of discipline and hard work in a fun and inviting community atmosphere.
At Saltus, our vision is for you to live life to the fullest through athletic achievement. Our role is to help you develop the physical literacy, athleticism, and mindset to achieve your goals. Using science-driven training methods, we’ll help you remain injury-free and perform to your fullest potential. Confidence, autonomy, and greater life enjoyment are the benefits of discovering what your body & mind are capable of. Our culture of discipline, excellence, and hard work will get you there while having fun along the way.