Gilmac is a key producer of high Australian fodder to the dairy and meat industries in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China. To address the defined ration needs of certain ruminant markets, such as domestic feed lotting for cattle and sheep, major goods hay, cereal straw, and pellets. Gilmac emphasizes quality and innovation. They've created industry-leading tests for determining the quality of feed. This, along with eye inspection, provides accurate and consistent product grading. Gilmac has positioned itself at the forefront of operational efficiency and provides adaptation to changing market requirements because of in-house manufactured hay-pressing and handling equipment. Headquartered in Perth, and with six production facilities across Western Australia, South Australia, and Victoria, gilmac provides simple shipping alternatives. Even in years with difficult growth circumstances, they have a dependable product supply because of a nationwide hay catchment. Gilmac is a family-owned firm that is happy to help Australian farmers. All of their products are farmed and processed entirely in Australia. From the field to the feedlot, they cherish relationships with producers and customers alike, ensuring a positive customer experience.