Our "MentalNote" is bite-sized knowledge you can save for yourself or share with others. They're based on empirical scientific research and about the size of a tweet.
MentalNotes typically include a pithy statement (the "MentalNote"), an image or video and curated links to supporting content.
Each of the MentalNotes found in LinkedIn open our MentalNotes app where you can personalize your daily content feed.
MentalNotes can be used to develop any skill, but this page (and our supporting app) is dedicated to developing the psychological skills people in any walk of life can use to perform better and live happier.
People that perform better AND live happier think differently. They think BETTER. Their better thoughts trigger better emotions, better behaviors and better outcomes.
Happy, high-performers have three things in common: 1.) They're ambitious - they have a purpose, goal and direction they're working towards; 2.) They're adaptable - what ever direction life takes them, they acclimate; and 3.) They're resilient - they take on life challenges, both big and small.
We've identified psychological skills that help people focus, adapt and overcome. Focus on a goal, adapt to their surroundings, and overcome setbacks.
Our app is a mobile first, micro-learning platform. To learning more about the platform and how you can leverage it to create, publish and grow your own bite-sized knowledge base, contact scott@mentalnotes.com.