At TRANE, we're all about air – cool air, warm air, clean air. As a world leader in air-conditioning systems, services and solutions, we control the comfort of the air for people in homes and many of the world's largest and state of the art commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. As a corporate social responsibility, we are applying Trane's expertise in environmental technology and energy conservation to make a difference in energy efficiency around the globe.
Ingersoll Rand (IR) acquired Trane, to further transform into a multi-brand commercial products manufacturer serving customers in diverse global markets. With Trane, IR is better able to provide products, services and solutions to enhance the quality and comfort in homes and buildings.
Trane Philippines is engaged in marketing, distribution, and servicing of industrial, commercial, and residential air-conditioning units. As we are continuously enhancing career opportunities in all functions for our TEAM’s growth, we are now in URGENT need of highly competent, aggressive, motivated, and customer-driven professionals to be a part of our dynamic TEAM.