AISP | AI traffic solutions!
# We effectively cut traffic measurement costs and save you time!
Cut costs with our AI cloud! Two clicks and your traffic video, will count automatically and the finished result sheets will land on disk. We do it in the cloud and we do it well!
👉 road traffic measurements, cross-sections and intersections,
👉 97% accuracy for GPR/Euro-6/De.Strasseverkherzalungen classification,
👉 vehicle speed measurements at no extra charge!
👉 ALPR for traffic measurements, parking measurement, traffic cordnage measurement,
👉 charts ready to use - daily traffic profile, flow mapping, cartograms,
👉 customised IT solution design,
#measurement #traffic measurement #it #cloud #traffic #video #computervision
📍Download the free AITracker software and check us out!
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