BFD Productions, founded by Executive Producers Roxy Hunt and Tony Castle, is an award-winning production company, bringing unscripted film and television projects to life from start to finish. Husband and wife team, Roxy Hunt and Tony Castle, focus on telling human stories on the fringes and bringing them to the forefront of entertainment.
Notably, they have produced documentary television series’ for Discovery+, Marvel, Quibi and the CNN Original Series Mostly Human with Laurie Segall, as well as several digital series for Vox, Fast Company, and The Guardian among others. Additionally they have produced commercial campaigns for Showtime, NBC and Refinery29, which won them a Clio Award.
BFD has proudly produced content for The Women’s March, Emily’s List, Everytown For Gun Safety, and Planned Parenthood. For more than a decade, the BFD team has brought together a diverse collective of creatives devoted to the future of how stories are told and consumed.
Roxy Hunt and Tony Castle also founded The Lower East Side Film Festival to support independent filmmakers and artists since 2011 in Manhattan's vibrant Lower East Side.