Welcome to our LinkedIn profile! BLGC, is an award-winning and progressive children and young person's charity that has been serving the local community of Bolton for over 130 years. Our mission is rooted in creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where every child and young person has the opportunity to thrive.
At BLGC, we believe in putting children at the heart of everything we do. With our comprehensive range of universal and targeted support services, we strive to uplift underrepresented and diverse groups in Bolton. Our passionate and skilled team is dedicated to responding to local needs and ensuring that no child is left behind.
Bolton is a district that faces significant challenges, ranking among the 20% most deprived areas in England. Within our community, there are 36 neighbourhoods that rank in the top 1% of deprivation. It is within these communities, where 89% of our members reside, that we work tirelessly to make a difference.
Our young members often face multiple layers of disadvantage, including higher levels of poverty, limited positive role models, and fewer opportunities to contribute positively to society. That's why we offer a wide variety of inclusive recreational, sporting, and arts-based activities, as well as targeted services aimed at supporting our town's most vulnerable children, young people, and families.
Looking ahead, we have an ambitious strategic plan for the next decade. Our goal is to reach more of the most vulnerable children and young people than ever before. We are determined to help them overcome their challenges and move towards a bright and happy future. Our ambition knows no bounds, as we aspire to reach every child who needs us and support them in achieving their full potential.
We invite you to connect with use to learn more about the incredible work we do at BLGC. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of children and young people, creating a stronger and more inclusive community for all.