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About Sarah Edstroem
Sarah Edstroem has 2 current jobs including Managementkonsult at Xeeda in Kungsgatan 33
Stockholm, 11156, SE, Founder And Owner at SHE Juridiska Handelsbolag. Previously worked at Scandinavian Trust as Jurist. Xeeda is a Business Consulting and Services company in Kungsgatan 33
Stockholm, 11156, SE with 24 employees
Sarah Edstroem Social
Sarah Edstroem Work
Sarah Edstroem is the Managementkonsult @Xeeda, with experience in Founder And Owner @SHE Juridiska Handelsbolag
Xeeda is an independent consulting company that provides services in the governance, management, and development of customers business operations.
Xeeda helps large organizations in the public and private sector with operational support and advice. In a cost-effective manner, we find solutions for our costumers who are in need of project support, vendor management, management issues and other types of efficiency measures that improve the organisation.
We develop the customer’s own ability to run various types of improvement projects and other project work through advice, new work methods and coaching.
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